💚International Womens Day💚
Hugely fortunate to listen to @laurakenny31 yesterday about her sporting journey, the hard work, goal setting, set backs and role models.
Thank you to all the coaches, volunteers, parents and athletes that continue to support our amazing club and #investinwomen Creating a world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. A world that's diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. #SeeUsNow
Sponsors & Partners @maptalent_ @suttongarden @boxxretailjoinery @ppsmidlands @core300sutton
#netballteam #netballgirls #netballfamily #netballlife #netballislife #hereifyouneed #grassroots #netball #teamgreen💚 #teamgreen #tlsw #performance #beeproud #beenetball #beefriendly #beeyourself #beefair #beetogether #beestrong